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Fel ysgol fro, y mae Bro Myrddin yn cynnig addysg sy’n ceisio ateb

anghenion yr unigolyn mewn awyrgylch cefnogol a hollol Gymreig.

Cynigir yr un cyfle cyfartal i bob disgybl ddatblygu hyd eithaf ei allu

yn academaidd, yn gymdeithasol, yn ddiwylliannol, yn feddyliol ac

yn gorfforol. (Polisi Cyfle Cyfartal ar gael yn yr ysgol)


As a local school, Bro Myrddin offers education that seeks to answer the needs of the individual in a supportive and completely Welsh atmosphere. All pupils are offered the same equal opportunity to develop the best of their ability academically, socially, culturally, mentally and physically. (Equal Opportunities Policy available from the school)






  • Creu cymdeithas fyw lle y gwerthfawrogir gwerthoedd moesol ac
    ysbrydol a lle y pwysleisir rhinweddau megis cyfiawnder,
    gonestrwydd, ymddiriedaeth, goddefgarwch ac ymdeimlad o
    ddyletswydd / Create a living society where moral
    and spiritual 
    values ​​are valued, and where virtues such as justice, honesty,
    trust, tolerance and a sense of duty are emphasized.


  • Rhoi cyfle i bob disgybl feistroli’r grefft o gyfathrebu drwy’r
    Gymraeg a’r Saesneg, gan bwysleisio’r Gymraeg fel iaith naturiol
    yr ysgol / 
    Giving all pupils the opportunity to master the art of
    communication through Welsh and English, emphasizing 

    Welsh as a natural language in the school.

  • Cynorthwyo’r disgyblion i ddatblygu sgiliau ar gyfer byd gwaith a fydd yn ei alluogi i weithio fel aelod o dîm ac yn annibynnol / Assist the pupils to develop skills for the world of work, enabling them to work as a member of a team and independently.

  • Paratoi pob disgybl i fyw fel aelod cyfrifol a gwerthfawr o’r gymdeithas, i ddatblygu perthynas gadarnhaol gydag eraill ac i ddatblygu hunan-barch a pharch at bobl, eiddo a’r amgylchedd / Prepare every pupil to live as a responsible and valuable member of society, to develop positive relationships with others and to develop self-esteem and respect for people, property and the environment.

  • Cynorthwyo’r disgyblion i werthfawrogi treftadaeth a diwylliant Cymru ac i fedru cyfrannu at gymdeithas amlieithog yng Nghymru, Ewrop a’r byd / To help the pupils appreciate the heritage and culture of Wales and to be able to contribute to a multilingual society in Wales, Europe and the world.

  • Sicrhau cyfleoedd priodol i holl aelodau staff yr ysgol i ddatblygu’n
    broffesiynol / 
    Ensuring appropriate professional opportunities for
    all members of the school's staff.


  • Wrth geisio gwireddu’r uchod, pwysleisir y bartneriaeth a’r
    cydweithio angenrheidiol rhwng disgyblion, aelodau o staff,
    rhieni a llywodraethwyr / 
    When trying to realise the above, we
    emphasize on the partnerships and the necessary collaboration
    between pupils, members of staff, parents and governors.


Heb Ddysg Heb Ddeall 

Nôd yr ysgol / The goal of the school
Amcanion yr ysgol / The objectives of the school
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